
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pelaburan di BSKL

Salam buat pembaca2 sekalian,

Tujuan sy tulis entry ni adalah supaya sy dpt sharekan ilmu pelaburan sy yg x seberapa kepada saudara & saudari sekalian. Sy pun sebenarnye baru memulakan portfolio pelaburan sejak bulan 10/2011.

Untuk memulakan portfolio pelaburan di BSKL, saudara-saudari boleh membuka akaun CDS & trading dengan mana2 investment bank, contohnya:

  • Kenanga Investment Bank
  • CIMB Investment
  • Maybank Investment
  • dll
Broker rate selalunya berbeza antara bank, begitu juga antara trading sendiri dengan menggunakan khidmat remiser. Contohnye, sy membuka akauan trading di CIMB di mana ratenye adalah seperti berikut:

  • Menggunakan remiser: 0.7% dr amauan investment @ RM30 (yang mana paling tinggi)
  • Trading sendiri: 0.4% dr amaun investment @ RM12 (yang mana paling tinggi)
Boleh refer dkt website di bawah utk broker rate & sebagainya

Berikut adalah advantage menggunakan khidmat remiser:

  • tersilap meletak harga jual/beli, kadang2 nk jual, tp terbeli pulak...
  • remiser selalunya akan rekemen saham2 yang bgs utk dibeli, dan timing yg cantik utk dijual
  • bg yg x de mase nk monitor pergerakan saham, remiser blh monitorkan bg pihak anda.
Bg sesiapan yg nk buka akauan CDS & trading, sy rekemen saudara Faizal Yusup (FY) dr Kenanga Investment Bank. Beliau boleh dihubungi di 012-6540130.

Sy rase cukuplah setakat ini utk sesi introduction. Next entry sy cuba sharekan mcm mana nk calculate Price over Earning (P/E) ratio & significant P/E terhadap sesuatu saham yg dipilih.

Terima Kasih.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Land of the Rising Sun: Part II

Hi guys! It's been a long time since the last entry. Mr & Mrs I was kinda busy lately; finding stuff for their baby. In this entry, I would like to continue Mr I's journey to Japan.

It was 1st week, and this time he will take you guys to Namba city. Namba city is famous for its Kani Doraku Crab, located around Dotonburi Canal. Namba is also known as entertainment district and shopping mostly for electronics products. From Hankyu, you have to go Umeda Station and go directly to subway Midosuji Line. Take the train to Namba station.

This is Umeda Station; Subway Midosuji Line.
Make sure you are at the right lane. 

Arriving at Namba..and it was raining
Dotonburi Canal?
Is this Kani Doraku Crab?
One of the shop there
Arriving at Carnival Mall, Namba

Looks like 'The Street' @ The Curve
One more!
"Please don't take my picture!"
Focus on the pond...
..and suddenly it 'exploded'
Here, they spell they spell thw word 'hotel' without 'h'
Old building in the middle of the city
Ok that's all for Part II. How about night life in Osaka? I think I'm going to write about this in the next stay tuned...=)

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